Book Clubs
Tuesday Evening Book Club – Third Tuesday at 6:30 p.m.
Since October 2018, local booklovers have been meeting on the third Tuesday of the month. New book lovers are invited to meet for light conversation followed by a one-hour book discussion. Each month the group meets at the home of a designated hostess at 6:30 p.m. for a half hour of casual catching up on lives and interests. The hostess then inspires a one-hour dialogue and a discussion of the selected book and invites readers’ responses to the characters, plot and themes. Beverages and snacks are optional, but conversation is inevitably lively and impressions are varied. There are no right answers. No one is chastised for not getting the book finished—or even started. All who are interested are invited to try out the party regardless of their on-going commitment.
For additional Evening Book Club information call: Anita Forbes................. 415-987-4163
Daytime Book Club – First Wednesday at Noon.
Another group of daylight-inspired booklovers meet every first Wednesday at noon. In addition to conversation and book discussion, some members have also been inspired to meet and walk together to get a little exercise enjoying the Fall colors and outdoor inspiration.
For additional Daytime Book Club information call: Evelyn Parker ................ 206-351-7523