Echo Lake Community Church
All of life is a journey that is filled with ups, downs, obstacles and triumphs. But this journey was never intended for us to travel alone. They invite you to join them on this journey.
What to Expect?
Our service is held every Sunday at 10 a.m. and runs for approximately 75 minutes. Our service usually starts with some upbeat music, followed by a time of welcoming and sharing of what is happening in our church, some more music and prayer, followed by a practical and challenging message from our pastor. Our worship music is upbeat and uplifting, led by our energetic praise band. Our environment is casual and friendly.
What to Wear?
Feel free to dress in clothes that are comfortable for you when you come. You can “dress up” if you want, or wear casual clothes. God is interested in your heart, not your wardrobe. Feel free to dress casually or any way you are comfortable. Whatever you are comfortable wearing, you’ll fit right in.
What About Our Kids?
The Nursery is open at the beginning of service for younger children and their parents (Birth-Preschool). Older children (ages 4 – 5th grade) will be dismissed after music to our Children’s Church. Our Children’s Church is a safe environment, staffed by trusted and gifted children’s workers. Feel free to accompany your children so you can become familiar with where they’ll be during service. You can also introduce yourself to our ELCC volunteers and make them aware of any special needs of your children.
What If I’m New?
Will I be singled out? Absolutely not! We are not interested in shining a spotlight on you. Every week there are people just like you checking out Echo Lake Community Church for the first time. Our goal is to shine the spotlight on Jesus and make His way known. However, the people here are really friendly and will probably introduce themselves and ask you about yourself.
Contact Information
Location: 13306 Lost Lake Road, Snohomish, WA 98272
Phone: 360-668-5528