Survey Results 2022
Between December 2021 and February 2022 we conducted a survey of the community to ascertain the needs and desires of the Echo Lake Community. We wanted more detail than past surveys to address concerns, desires, and local improvements. We felt the community could better define the needs for 2022 and beyond. The results of this survey did not disappoint and are shown below. The Board of Directors have reorganized and continue to digest this rich collection of data and establish a new perspective for our community. We would like to thank everyone that responded to the survey, your voice will impact the future. You are encouraged to stay in touch and/or help with planning, based on this survey.
We are excited about the survey results with many new ideas. We are working to match our resources (people & dollars) with a few projects. If you would like to help but not sure you have the talent or time, please consider asking about volunteering for something specific. The main reason some projects never see the light of day is because there is a lack of help or a lack of someone to lead the charge.
"I remember when I stopped by to visit with a friend at the Snohomish County offices and was asked to help out if I had the time. I didn't think I had any ability to make a difference or even be useful. I have now volunteered there for eight years and it has been the most rewarding time for me in decades. I learned a lot, shared my skills, improved many things and made friends along the way." Wayne Connell
You can make a difference, too. Please consider volunteering, Email